The Importance Of Reverse Engineering Link Targets

The below post outlines exactly how we start a link building campaign for clients. It also includes why we can generate super fast ROI by using effective strategies that start by analysing where the most important place on your site is to build links. The example used throughout this post is not a client or a contact in anyway. Remember to share, like and get in touch if you have any questions.

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It’s No Longer A Numbers Game With Links

We get a number of clients looking to build high-quality links.

It is very common that clients ask us “how many links can we build?”

The answer?


The issue?

You would not and should not want that many.

Backlinks are still the number 1 ranking factor in Google. Ahrefs even did a case study a year or so back that reviewed on-page ranking factors, determining they were less important than previously determined. Links are the single reason Google is where they are today and that is not going to change anytime soon.

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